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Chara Daan Maha Daan

“Chara Daan Maha Daan” Thank you everyone for the Support and Contributions today… Gaushala No.3, Najafgarh, New Delhi

Ration Distribution

Empowering Humanity – Palghar Maharashtra Team..Ration Distribution https://www.facebook.com/notosocialevils/videos/328956394896141

Ration Distribution in Vasai-East

Mega Ration Distribution in Vasai-East (Maharastra) Amazing Team- Empowering Humanity Palghar “Remember that the happiest people are not those getting more, but those giving more.

Maaza Juice Distribution Camp

Today’s Maaza Juice Distribution Camp at Dwarka More, New Delhi by Empowering Humanity Team..Thank you everyone for the support and contributions.

Food Donation Camp

Food Donation Camp at Dada Dev Hospital – New Delhi…Thank you for the support.. https://fb.watch/99Ug5Tqpv_/