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Birthday celebration Komal Mam

Happiness Shared|| Birthday celebration || Komal Mam UN Registered NGO|| Empowering Humanity We have celebrated birthday of Miss. Komal Mam. Happiness Shared Empowering Humanity WishesMiss. Komal A veryHappy Birthday If,You’re a new visitor or subscriber Please...

Food Donation Drive

We have distributed food among needy people. Thank you Chakshu Sir for celebrating birthday & passing on the smile to small kids. Special Thanks to Sudhir sir for adding flowers to our campaign. we are making the small contribution towards Humanity.If,You’re...

Kisan Andolan

A brief report on kisan andolan||Empowering Humanity|| UN (UNITED NATION) Registered NGO https://www.facebook.com/notosocialevils/videos/506781003923551